Release the reins of preconception
Open eyes to every mark
Step through the veil to silence
Regard the mystery’s heart
Contemplate the cryptic image
Ma Ganga descends the heights
The mind a moonflower
Radiant on full moon nights
Light snagged on its surface
By the glowing sun
On a slow- moving river
Even sky will waltz
And trees will sprout
From the watery depths
Bubbling springs of endless paths
Wind to the horizon
And snake to the heavens
Flowing and glowing
Behind closed eyes
Reflections upon reflections
Choose the journey
Inward or out
Memory and imagining
Entwining in spirals
Past or future
Residing in now
Scratch the surface
To reveal what’s hidden
Or rub till it’s warm
If you believe in fate
Will the truth be revealed
Or in emptiness found
When brush moves paint